L Y C A N R O C . T F

Why tho
I wanted a domain for personal use, saw the funny domain wasnt taken, and snapped it up.
Now its got a funny tf meme on the frontpage.
What else is here?
Like 5 different subdomains for random stuff. Join my Minecraft server, its mc.lycanroc.tf :3
Source pls?
Comic in the video is by bubbeh on FurAffinity (direct source)
Tab icon is by @laru120 on Twitter (direct source)
Music is Paralyzer by finger eleven
This website sucks!
Yeah, I deadass threw it together in like two hours after playing Changed for an entire afternoon.
sy​sad​min[a​t]ly​canr​oc[d​ot]t​f (don't copy-paste this, it won't work.)

Go back

//shouts to the tf_irl sub, Changed on Steam, and all the goofur lycanrocs on twitter